Aside from traffic holding you up the times you find planning your route on Google maps will be pretty accurate indicators of how long things will take.
In general if you are up in the hills you'll want to avoid the motorways, when you are in the northern plains I'd advise blasting through on the motorway to get back to the mountains.
It's a profoundly beautiful country to visit, it looks, smells and tastes utterly wonderful. Visit the major towns, try and stay in the villages. It's a lot cheaper to eat than the UK, but fairly average for the continent - budget 30 EUR for a meal for two. You'll get accommodation prices on your preferred hotel booking site. If you have any of the traditional concerns about roads, driving, language, safety or culture - leave them on the ferry. It couldn't be easier to get along in Italy.
[ Tim | History - NW Italy/French Rivera, Swiss Alps, Morocco | 2016 - Greece > Albania > Macedonia > Kosovo > Montenegro > Bosnia > Slovenia > Austria ]