Hi, first of all , it would help to know where you're based and what bike we're talking about . if its some obscure old model that was never sold here then you can pretty much forget about it
Otherwise, as long as your name appears on the V5s s then it's perfectly doable. Since it's EU then there's no vat to be paid unless its less than 6 months old and\or been ridden less than 6000 kms . (I forget if its either or both)
You'll need a certificate from the manufacturer saying that it corresponds to a model produced for the Italian market , or a COC .
And finally , obviously everything has to be translated into italian and legalized (sworn in court ) .
All this costs in the order of about 200 Euros , although that conformity certificate can sometimes be costly, the price ranges from 20 Euros (piaggio) to 150 Euros (BMW) , according to the manufacturer .
Pm me if I can help, and if you decide to go ahead with it ; there's a workaround for the translation part, which avoids the need for a professional translator .