Well, I've been using Google since its 5th day of existance in the late '90s (before that I was using excite, yahoo and other metacrawlers and search engines).
If the information is indexed, I'll find it. You won't see me asking questions on forums, speccialy about fuel prices or what kind of
will I find in a certain country
Thanks for the translation on the court decision. I used google to translate it in several languages I know to be sure I don't misunderstand something but I wanted to be absolutely sure. I will print it and use it if the case might be.
I didn't get any reply from EMG yet and I don't think I ever will.
One other thing. I joined the other day a Turkish Polis forum and I asked the same question. Nobody could give a definite answer making excuses they are not traffic police officers.
One moderator there finally posted the simple form of speed limits in Turkey (without the vehicle categories M1, M1G, N1G ....) and said that Jeep's fall in the "Arazi Taşıtı" category so they have the same speed limits as motorcycles. About the same time I posted the court decision on this forum, I posted it on the police forum as well, together with a link to the law, and quoted the M1G category specifications (in Turkish).
10 minutes later another moderator said that I joined there to ridicule them and the topic got locked
Typical police action and reaction
All's well when ends well. At least we got to the bottom of it.