Originally Posted by RyanPridgeon
If you dont mind my asking being as I am new to all this, what am I looking for? Also, where may I find a decent priced carb rebuild kit?
Please forgive me ,the following is generic information as I am not too familiar with CB750s .
Get workshop manual and it will have all the info you need .
However, if you take the float bowl off a carb you will see the float/s ,make sure that they are free to rotate on their pivot/slide .
Then turn on the petcock and push the float upwards ,you will see a tab on the float and it will close the float valve shutting off the gas/petrol.
Float valves can stick open or closed due to age/dirt .
Don't venture any further into carb dismantling until you know what you are doing and have the manual to hand .
You should be able to download a manual from one of the CB750 groups on the internet and they will know where to get parts .
Good luck .
Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light. - Spike Milligan
"When you come to a fork in the road ,take it ! When you come to a spoon in the road ,take that also ."