africa twin - in africa - over heating!? please help
due to a blown enging on my xt600 at the last minute i bought a 1995 africa twin in very good nick of a mechanic who had looked after it well and was confident it was ready for a big trip - i also had it serveced befor it went.
contery to all advice am am now in morroco on a bike that is completely knew to me and i am having strange issues which are bafiling, here they are, some may be normal but something dosent feal right...
on the way down the temp guage stuck at just above 0 for 500k at 80mph..
i worked out it was doing 30k per gallon with me and a few heavy bags..
3after the last houre in heavy mad marakesh trafic the over flow on the water system burst out a load of water
today i traced i worked out the fan thermostat wasnt working si i have wired in a switch.
however it is still rising up to half way up the thermometer, whereas yesterday it stayed near 0. and it says in the manuel the fan is for extreem heat conditions, which marakesh at night in jan isnt really...
on the last legg high up the mountain it kept dipping in power if i let the reves get to high... although im hoping this is lack of oxygen from altertude rather than conected to the rest of it...
i have also noteced it sounds more ratelly than it did...
i am a bit nervous about takeing my bike too far from a majour city like marakesh in this state... has any one got any advice? be really good to tslk to someone whos done a trip on an africa twin, mine is the xrv750 1995 model
many thanks Pip