10th Anniversary of HU Meetings in Australia! 26-29 September 2013 in Dayboro
The 2013 Australia Meeting is back in Dayboro for the 2013 event, and registration is open! Date is: Thursday 26 September to Sunday morning 29 September 2013!
We are also now accepting applications from presenters for putting on a talk; it can be on any bike related travelling topic. Last year we had our most diverse range of topics ever, with some fantastic shows and inspiring talks. To help planning the event we need your application forms in early please!
Some ideas on what YOU COULD present!
We are also looking for volunteers as usual! We had an excellent crew last year doing a range of activities. It takes help from volunteers to put on the meeting and this year we'll need a few more. When you register for the event you'll have an opportunity to volunteer, and we'd greatly appreciate it if you'd help out for just a few hours. It's a GREAT way to meet people too!
Since it's the 10th Anniversary event, we want to make it special, and we're working on that too - more details as we know them.
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.
Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!