Howdy Guys!
Were hosting another mini meet at Moto Camp Bulgaria, June 7-9, 2013.
As in years past, we'll have the usual fun & frivolity.
ride reports, info seminars (feel free to suggest topics) and nightly

drinking/story telling.
no registration fee, camping is 5 euros a nite, beds 12 euros a nite. all come with free breakfast. Other meals available on site.
But, if you do plan to attend, please let us know, so we have an idea of how many people to plan for.
I wanted to add something new this year, so those interested, we will leave the motocamp on the 2nd of june, & do a 5 day tour around Bulgaria & Romania. I'll be leading the ride, so you know its gonna be an adventure
Cost for registering for the ride is 25 euros each, this will just cover the logistics of the planning, gas for a chase vehicle, and a ride t-shirt.
all costs of the ride itself are up to the individual. It will be camping most nights. (maybe all, still working on the route)
registration for the ride ends May 15th, so we will know how many people to plan for.
We have a facebook page for the motocamp
and for the tour
or you can email me at motocampbg(AT)
Thanks, & have a GREAT summer!