Low Octane fuel and Synt Oil?
640 Adv 2004
On a trans Africa trip and am in Libya - Tripoli at the mo, has anyone been here and had similar problems with the fuel?
1)I have disconnected the "low octane" cable and now the bike is sounding realy, realy "rough" and under powered, fuel consumption has sky rocketed, was getting around 20km/l and now it's at about 13km/l, is this normal or is it just co-incidental and I'm missing some other problem. Need to sort out before the crossing.
2) Although I'm about 2000km away from the next service, I wanted to to do it before heading South and crossing into Niger, unfortunately, the Synt oil I had with me for this legs service was -lets just say misplaced - will it realy screw things up using regular oil, say a 10w/40 for the next leg of about 4000km. Having a time trying to translate the Arabic.
Salaam Andy