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Make a Difference Have you 'made a difference' while travelling, by fundraising or donating time and energy to a worthwhile cause? Are you a non-profit organisation or individual who knows of an opportunity for travellers to help out in a less developed country? Tell us about it and provide contact details.
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Old 18 Apr 2020
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Lightbulb Charity: Ayuda a Colombia 2020 - Medellin

Hi all,
Alex a german friend of mine, has moved to colombia this year.
I know him personally as a reliable person for years.

If you have a left and wants to support this charity with a small amount,
take a look:


Sorry: At this time the page is only in german available.
But feel free to contact Alex directly by facebook.


****************** google-translator ************

I'm Alex from Bonn and I moved to Colombia two months ago. Since then I have been able to get live with the conditions under which people in developing countries have to live. Simply bad and sad compared to "rich Europe"!

A few numbers:
Population: approx. 48 million (2018) - Germany 83 million (2018)

Total GDP: 319 billion (2017, 40 largest in the world) - Germany 3.9 trillion (2018, fourth largest in the world)

Unemployment rate: 10.5 (2017) - Germany 3.1% (2019)

Minimum wage: € 200 - Germany € 1560

Average gross wages per month: € 436 (place 54 worldwide) - Germany € 3,300 (place 19 worldwide)

Many local people live "from hand to mouth", selling fruit, drinks or food on the street - without employment.

The Corina crisis is now particularly hard on developing countries. While there is a high level of unemployment benefit, health insurance, short-time work and financial support for companies in Germany, there is no unemployment benefit, no health insurance (if self-paying), short-time work and financial support in Colombia only to a very limited extent, and above all the self-employed at the Poor people working on the streets have no way of preserving them and thus have extreme problems feeding themselves and their families.

So I decided to help. On my own and with donations, I will buy rice and noodles for these people in Medellin and distribute them with a local guide.

Of course I am happy about any financial support to buy as much food as possible. If you can help and support the people here, I would be happy to receive a donation.

Of course I will send a receipt for every donation after the purchase and document the whole thing. Of course I do all of this on a voluntary basis and every rice or noodle donation goes 1: 1 to those in need.

"Ayuda a Colombia" and also contribute to it. I and especially the many poor people here will be extremely grateful for this. Many, many thanks for your support!

Last edited by motravel; 23 Apr 2020 at 12:14. Reason: foto
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Old 19 Apr 2020
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YOU donated € 1,195 in just 24 hours.

Converted to 746 kg of pasta or 1,493 kg of rice!

We are incredibly happy about your support and the many happy faces here in Medellin.

We never thought that something so big would come out of such a spontaneous idea. Many, many thanks to all pasta and rice donors - you are just great!

Help us to continue to grow and draw attention to the campaign so that we can help as many people in need as possible.
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Old 20 Apr 2020
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Thumbs up

What do the others say?

Dragons Rhöndorf (Professional Basketball Club in Germany)
send a massage on https://www.facebook.com/dragonsrhoendorf

Our former managing director Alexander Dohms now lives in Medellin / Colombia and experiences live on site how hard the corona crisis hits the not so privileged population there in particular.

Help her as well and donate a few euros for a great campaign, which he uses to help the local people directly benefit from food!

Thanks Dragons!

************************************************** ************************************************


Sorry: At this time the page is only in german available.
But feel free to contact Alex directly by facebook.

Last edited by motravel; 20 Apr 2020 at 22:53. Reason: I am not a native speaker - view mistakes! :-)
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Old 21 Apr 2020
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So that you are informed about what we are currently working on to make the donation project more sustainable and grow, we would like to give you a brief "behind the scenes" insight two days after the start of the project:

What we have already done:

- Homepage, Facebook & Instagram page created
- Project spread to friends
- First donations raised of € 1,784
- Local media in Bonn & Bad Honnef (Germany) contacted with the request about possible reporting
- Found friends in Medellin to help with shopping and distribution
- Car organized through a friend
- Located where the food is most needed
- Found a major supplier to be able to buy the food cheaply and in large quantities
- Accounting file created

What's next:

- Grocery shopping
- Find a safe way to dispense food
- Banner produce "Ayuda a Colombia" (Aid Colombia)
- First food distribution
- Dissemination and promotion of the project beyond the circle of friends
- Production of a project video
- Open a trust donation account

We have already planned to start shopping and the first distribution campaign this Tuesday.

As always, we will keep you posted on our channels.

Ayuda a Colombia - help Colombia


Sorry: At this time the page is only in german available.
But feel free to contact Alex directly by facebook.
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Old 22 Apr 2020
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We decided not only to buy rice and noodles, but complete food packages.

These contain everything a family needs: from rice to beans, salt, vegetables, fruit, soap, soybean oil to oats and cocoa

The packages are currently being packed and we hope to be able to pick them up tomorrow.
So thanks to you, we can put a smile on the familys face tomorrow.

You can hopefully see the exact contents of the packages, their prices and photos of the first distribution campaign here tomorrow.

Take a look at the NEW pictures on: https://www.facebook.com/AyudaAColombia2020

(Sorry, i am (motravel) to silly to put pictures in here)

Last edited by motravel; 23 Apr 2020 at 01:25. Reason: fotos
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Old 23 Apr 2020
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20. April 2020
Unfortunately, we have to cancel the planned start of food distribution tomorrow.

The strict curfew has just been extended by a further two weeks until May 11 to a total of seven weeks.

Locals are therefore only allowed to leave the apartment every third day and then only go to the supermarket or doctor.

Since demonstrations and riots are expected across the country, we therefore have to postpone the start of our aid campaign.

Good news in the late Colombian evening:
We went shopping!

The suspected demonstrations and riots did not occur.

We broke the 2000 threshold and you donated an incredible € 2,101 in just five days.
(this corresponds to 189 packages)

We were now shopping ourselves and packed the first 25 packages

Tomorrow we start the distribution and pack the next packages.

How much a package costs and what it contains you can see in the photos:

Ayuda a Colombia - help Colombia - https://die-spen.de/

Comment from motravel:

Alex made an Excel-Chart - "seems to be a german-organisation".

(missing: PowerPoint)

Last edited by motravel; 23 Apr 2020 at 12:16. Reason: link, foto
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Old 23 Apr 2020
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Thumbs up

What happened with my ? The mission went on ...

New message from Alex - Medellin / Colombia


Just five days after the fundraiser started, we distributed the first grocery packages today.

We expected a lot, but it was even more intense:
As a thank you, we prayed for us, tears rolled down or our feet were symbolically kissed.

Unfortunately, because of the excitement and emotions, we didn't take a lot of photos, but we will do so in the next distributions.

We sincerely thank all donors that we were able to experience this today and put a smile on the face of those in need in this difficult situation.

Thanks to YOU it's really called "Ayuda a Colombia" !!!

New Video: https://www.facebook.com/AyudaAColom...9517707417477/

Last edited by motravel; 23 Apr 2020 at 22:01. Reason: foto, link-video, foto
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Old 27 Apr 2020
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30 more packages make you happy

23. April 2020 von AlexD

Purchasing, the second
Distribution, the second

Today we have distributed a further 30 packages with a total value of just under € 300 in the Barrios Bello and San Javier.

On the way there people waved red flags for several meters as a sign of hunger

When we stopped to distribute at different locations, people came running.
To be able to experience this joy and gratitude of the people is an unprecedented feeling for us.

We can only repeat ourselves: an incredibly big THANKS to all donors to be able to enable the people here
“AyudaAColombia - Help Colombia”

With little effort and your donations to combat hunger from the poor in Medellin.

Last edited by motravel; 27 Apr 2020 at 20:14.
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Old 27 Apr 2020
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Promotional status after 7 days

April 24, 2020 by AlexD

A week after the start of the fundraiser, we have already achieved a lot together. The days were intense, exhausting, but also very nice.

Here is an update on the status of the campaign after the first seven days:

PR platforms created
Donation accounts opened
Donations for over 200 grocery packages collected from friends
Cheapest shop found
The first 50 aid packages distributed
Established contact with the city and tourism authorities to find out more about the residential areas of needy families and to find other helpers

What we still have to tackle:

Find opportunities for distribution beyond the circle of friends
Connect to NGOs for cooperation work
Produce project video for simplified PR work
Find ways to better publicize the fundraiser
Grow, grow, grow ...

To make this possible, we ask you to help further with the announcement of the fundraiser and to tell your family, acquaintances or colleagues about it. Every post, every story, every advertisement helps to collect even more donations for the 1.3 million people in need.

We are also happy about every tip, suggestion or contact that helps us to get even better and bigger so that we can help as many families as possible.
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Old 27 Apr 2020
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We are getting better and better

April 26, 2020 by AlexD

We are getting better and better

We were busy again today and distributed another 30 packages. Since we were able to buy much cheaper again, this time we also bundled vegetable packages. Nevertheless, we were able to save some money and only paid less than € 7 for each package. We are slowly getting better at organizing purchasing, bundling packages and distribution.

Tomorrow is a very special day for us. In the afternoon we meet indigenous families to give them food parcels.
We are very happy to meet and to get in touch with indigenous people of Colombia.
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Old 27 Apr 2020
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We need your support in our office work

April 26, 2020 by AlexD

We need your support in our office work

We just received a call that the meeting with the indigenous families needs to be postponed. That is why we have an office day today and take care of the following topics:

- What crowdfunding platforms are there, where can we publish our project?

- How can we draw the attention of more people outside of our circle of acquaintances to the project, of whom 95% of the donations so far come from?

- Which form of organization makes sense for our campaign? Association, foundation or others?

- Which NGOs can we contact for tips and support?

- Compile the latest content for our project video

- Logo, sticker and banner design (thanks @ yannick.arenz)

- What can we improve?

We need your help here! Do you have contacts, tips or ideas on these points?
Or can you relieve us with research work on our currently 8-10h work per day?

Then gladly pass it on to us. Via our social media channels or by email to ayuda.a.colombia@gmail.de

Thank you in advance - together we can best grow and support even more people in need.
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Old 13 May 2020
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Exclamation This week we can be heard on Radio Bonn Rhein Sieg

This week we can be heard on Radio Bonn Rhein Sieg.
(city: Bonn = Old Capitol of Germany)

Thanks for the great support Volker Groß and Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg!

We are excited and look forward to the contribution.
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Old 13 May 2020
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Smile The organizer of the indigenous families thanked us in a long letter

2020 May 07

We received a particularly long thank you today.

The organizer of the indigenous families thanked us in a long letter.

You do not speak Spanish?

No problem, one of our followers certainly wants to translate it.

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Old 16 May 2020
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Thumbs up Interview - Radio Bonn Rhein Sieg (german)

Interview by Alex at radio station "Radio Bonn Rhein Sieg" you can find here:


(Sorry, only in german available!)

Last edited by motravel; 16 May 2020 at 13:01. Reason: foto
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Old 6 Feb 2021
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I have decided not to support the project any further - until the problems are solved on site.
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colombia, covid-19, south america

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