The Ted Simon Foundation encourages those who adventure into the world to go the extra mile and transform their experiences into something of value for the world to share.
An Introduction
The Ted Simon Foundation is a non-profit organization, based in Northern California, and has been created by a group of people who believe that individuals of good will, moving among foreign cultures and making themselves vulnerable to the beliefs and customs of strangers, have great importance in promoting world understanding, and even more so when they can distill the essence of their experiences into a form that can be absorbed by many.
The purpose of the Foundation is to encourage and assist travellers in making an extra effort to develop their observations and insights into something of value for the rest of the world to share, whatever their medium of expression might be.
To those who are setting out we will offer advice, contacts and, where possible, practical help. To those on the road or returning, we will offer assistance in transforming the raw material of adventure into something stunning for the rest of the world to appreciate. We will not be timid in our assessments and we will strive for high standards.
The words we live by are Exploration, Comprehension and Communication.
Our tendency will be to favour those who travel alone, since this removes barriers to communication, but there are always notable exceptions. Otherwise our doors are open to travellers of all kinds, and not exclusively motorcyclists.
The work of the Foundation will be supported by the talents and expertise of a Committee of Advisors, well known in their fields of publishing, photography, film, and other media; the Foundation's website, designed to promote awareness of the projects and the travellers we support, who will be known as Jupiter’s Travellers; and the Jupiter Awards, which will be given annually at a special ceremony for the projects we judge to be best.
The members of the Committee of Advisors will be announced at the Foundation's launch event on 6th October (see the post below for more information).
The organization has been co-founded by Ted Simon, Iain Harper, Erdem Yucel, Chris Miles, and Kate Kilbourne.
The Foundation can be found on the web at and on Facebook at
Working with Horizons Unlimited
Horizons Unlimited is one of the Foundation's media and event partners. We would like to thank Grant and Susan for their generous support and for providing the Foundation with the facility to publish this HUBB thread.