Free tyres - Midelt, Morocco
Hi Guys - inspired by a recent HUBB thread for a free clutch in Mongolia [ Free Clutch], I was reminded that I had left a pair of less than 50% worn tyres in Midelt. These should be good for another 4-5,000klm and may help someone get home to Europe from Morocco.
The challenge is to convince the owner's son in Hotel Boughafer (N32 40.966 W4 44.563) that you are entitled to the tyres. The challenge is made more difficult as I cannot remember the son's name and more so because the old man (owner) did not want to store them. The young bloke went ahead and stored them for me against the old man's wishes and without his knowledge.
Best talk to the son
The tyres are both Metzler Tourance from a Yamaha XT660R (90/90-21" and 130/80-17") that should be good for most dual sport, single cylinder bikes. They have done about 5,000klm and looked to be in good shape when deposited. If you need to convince the young bloke - the tyres are stored across the lane from the hotel in a storage hole above the municipal market.
I hope these will be of use to someone passing through as I'm not expecting to head south for the next trip.