Morocco trip 2022
Hi all, after getting a lot off info from this forum i would like to share my experience in Morocco. First my apolgie for the poor writing (english is not my native language).
After riding for a lot off years with friends trough Europe we take it a step furder to Morocco. Because not everybody has a appropriate vehicul to ride offroad and the lack off days off work we decided too fly and drive. We flew to Marrakesh where we rent a BMW GS310 at loc2roues. Great service, bikes are in a great condition and staff where friendly and ready to help. Because it was our first time in Africa we decided to arrange the hotels and bike with a travel agency so we had a live line just in case. Afterwards this was not neccessary but it gave ous a feeling of rest. The travel agency give ous a phone to use in case off emergency and the arrange not only the hjotels, bike rent but also the rides to the airport and loc2 roues. We stayed for a week and did a tour off 1700km with road and offroad sections. Roufly wa rode MArrakesh- Dades- Todra- Zagora-Foum Zguid- Talliouine -Marrakesh with pistes from the book off CHirs Scott. We passed a lot off police stations but the were very friendly (for toerists). Every where we go we feeled very welcome. Offcourse a lot off salesmen try to sell you rocks, food and other stuff but were never aggresive. Just in Marrakesh city the took it a step furder to sell you something but it helps to travel in group. I would thank this greazt forum for all the helpfull info and if someone needs more info about th e trip we made i would be glad to help. greating Leon