turned my attention to this maps from:
world mapping project™ by Reise Know-How
Reise Know-How Verlag online
go to there side and search for "GPS maps"
this maps are light, water resistance and got the GPS grid to be able to use them in conjunction with your GPS unit... maps are sold by Amazon.
Available for pretty much every country in the world and cost around 8,90-Euros each...
Format: ca. 70x100 cm
Material: PolyArt (rip- and waterproof, writeable)
Legend (Dt., Engl., Frz., Span.)
add a good compass and you are set..
if you are rather in to laptop use... well they are supplied as digital maps as well and cover programs like: OziExplorer, Fugawi, TTQV, this maps can be downloaded of there page too.
The trouble is that he was talking in philosophy, but they were listening in gibberish.