thanks for all the help
I am Katrin, the one of the Germans, and I would like to add two things to this:
First, the newspaper was "half right", Michael had an accident with his motorcycle, but luckely I am not, I could stop before the sand.
Michael has some broken ribs, a broken hand, a squeezed lung....yesterday they transported him by ambulance plane to a German hospital and they told me, everything is repairable. They have to do an operation at his lung, but he will be fine.
And secondly I would really like to thank you the Egypt people for all their help. I cannot list everyone here, but it started with helpful people on the road in the desert, all the people who helped with the transportation to the hospital in Kharga and from there to Cairo, who helped Michael and who helped with the transportation of the bikes.....I say thank you especially to Susanne for all her help and her hospitality. ..I thank you Omar for your call and offering help....It is amazing how much help is offered to us!
(I will stay some more days in Cairo, try to get all the needed paperwork to ship Michaels bike and then probably come to Alexandria in May...)
Thank all of you and everyone who asked about Michael after hearing of the accident!