new Libyan visa regulation
Just got a very sad email in reply to our attempt to obtain visas for Libya. Can anyone please confirm the below?
Looks pretty genuine to me if someone living off this business says that it doesn't make sense to travel anymore.
To the kind attention of Mr. Ron. I would like to thank you very much for all the E.mails you have sent and also all the phone calls regarding the trip to Libya .
Only yesterday a district rules have been issued from the touristic police office regarding the guidenes of the tourists.
So from three persons and more ( a touristic police)must be with group the whole trip and we must pay for his accommodation ,food , transport etc ,, So just imagine that three of you will have a guide + driver +T.P. And how much will be the coats of that
So I am terribly sorry to inform you that I cannot assist or hold this trip for a such small group like you and when I calculate it I found that without my
services fees an amount of at least (190) Eu. Per day are to be paid .
So really I am willing to help but it is too much even to mentioned .
So in case of changing these rules I will let you know immidiatly
Please stay in contact
Best regards
Asad Eljamal
Blue Sahara Com.