How do I get my bike from Switzerland to the USA?
I am purchasing a bike in Switzerland. It is 23 years old. Registering it in Switzerland is proving to be too complicated for the amount of time I have left in the country. I would like to bring this bike back to the USA where I am a citizen. I am NOT planning to sell this bike in the US – I am really bringing it back for my own personal use (it was too good of a deal to pass up). If anyone can help with the following questions, I would be very grateful:
1) For importation to the USA, is it enough to show that I legally purchased the bike in Switzerland (but never registered it nor put a license plate on it)?
2) What paperwork do I have to prepare beforehand?
3) What can I expect to have to deal with when I pick it up in the USA?
4) Can anyone recommend shipping options or specific companies to get the bike back to the US? While I am looking forward to riding it there, I guess I should add that I am in no great hurry if a better deal requires waiting – but I am departing Switzerland on 25 August.
Thanks for any help!
[This message has been edited by ScooterNC (edited 10 August 2005).]