BAM and ROB roads 2016?
this summer we want to make expedition Mongolia ande Siberia. Our plan is enter the Russia from Ulanbatar and then going to Severobajkalsk. Here we have two possibilities.
1. Try to get BAM road to Taksimo and then Vitim bridge and then to Tynda. Then to Yakutsk and Magadan. Back road from Magadan to Yakutsk then ti Mirny, Lensk and Barge from Lensk to Ush-Kut....
2. From Severobajkalsk to Ush-Kut. Then Barge to Lensk. From Mirny to Yakutsk and then to Magadan. Back from Magadan to Yakutsk and then to Tynda. All BAM from here to Severobajkalsk and then to Bratsk....home
Could anyone tell us what is the condition of this parts (of course when will be good wheather), the bridges, water crossings etc?
We have 4x4 expedition car. Ford Bronco. Do you think, it is possible to get this parts with car? Or it is very difficult?
- It is possible to take a barge on Lena river in both diretction? Ush-Kut - Lensk and Lensk - Ush-Kut too?
Thanks a lot for any relevation and actual information
Martin & Zuzana