Custom welder Vladivostok/Side luggage racks
Anyone have experience
I want to get some work done on my bike, to make custom side racks to reinforce my subframe and to attach my soft panniers to them with narrow profile.
I got soft luggage panniers(monsoon 3 enduristan)
Also would like to do some welding to the kickstands foot/base(attach a larger footprint...steel plate etc)
I will be starting my RTW from Japan>Vladivostok
How much rubles or USD would I expect to pay for jobs like these if i find a shop?
The current side racks for sale for my bike (crf250l) are extremely wide...making them useless to me....I asked 1 of the makers if they can make it more narrow profile for me but ignored...i guess they just want to sell whats in stock already so thats okay
Pictures of my bike