Originally Posted by shu...
Two of us will be riding in Kirghizstan and Tajikistan this August/September. We plan on camping a good part of the time.
I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to bring my campstove or not.
If you have cooked in your camps in Central Asia:
-What did you eat in camp?
-Did you buy your food in markets, stores? What was available?
-Would you take a stove with you again?
-What kind of fuel is available (besides gasoline)? Alcohol?
-Did anyone camp but not cook at all? What did you do about food?
Thanks for the advice....................shu
Only place you need to worry about for high level/altitude is if you have a carb bike is North Pamir at Karakul to Kyrgyzstan Osh as this is around 4600 meter level but many carb bikes/cars have no issues just need to dip the clutch with high revs as bogs down
The Pamir region of Tajikistan it is one of the most hospitable you could travel to so if you wanted you would never need to camp unless you stay in remote locations
Most Pamir people are shy in nature and would not ask for any money if you stay in a "unofficial" homestay but its good to leave some money under a plate/cup when you leave as it is one of the poorest parts of the former USSR
For fuel apart from the larger towns most small villages always store petrol for back up generators but problem is could be low octane depending on how old and also might have dirt dust in so make sure you have a fuel filter fitted. All you need to do is ask for benzene and point at your fuel tank and they will know what you mean.
For food I always seem to get a bad stomach if I eat meat, in most small villages they don't have fridge/freezers so the meat is either wrapped buried in the cold part of the out house or they store it adjacent to the water streams in the ground so basically it is slightly off and if you have the meat boiled you can taste it is old meat.
They also have a traditional hot milk type soup/porridge which is eaten by dunking bread in and the milk has turned to a yogurt which also can cause a upset stomach
I find if I avoid all animal products I am fine and stick to the bread and rice/vegetables.......If I do eat meat I try to eat only fresh meat