Through kayaking contacts, I've iheard there are some kayakers having problems n Tajikistan- I've been asked to contact bike travellers to find out if there's anyone in the area who can pass on info. So far all they know is that the group's SPOT locator distress signal has been activated, here are the rest of the details blow.
FROM Ken Lambla (father) : IMPORTANT Re: kayakers in Tajikistan - Thank you everyone for your support. This has gone viral, so in an effort to coordinate communications with the various teams helping the guys, please do NOT reach out to contacts you may have in Tajikistan, or the region, or in the government - instead, contact Ken Lambla directly at 704-618-2332 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

704-618-2332 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting or Keep the good vibes headed their way!
Any friends have any connections in Tajikistan?
Some friends hit the SOS button on there SPOT Device here;
38.83227 N, 72.860240 E
Message from the family:
Kayakers need rescue!!! in Eastern Tajikistan
Cooper's family (at the recommendation of the state department) has requested this to be posted to social media in the hopes that someone may be in the area that can provide any sort of assistance (kayaker, hiker, or anyone that has any pull locally). My understanding is that a helicopter was promised today and it didn't happen. It's also been promised for tomorrow, but at least one family is afraid it won't happen.
"Can you help to send a tweet for any assistance in finding 5 kayakers (Ben Luck, Cooper Lambla, Matt Klema, Nate Klema, Charles King) in Eastern Tajikistan.
Coordinates of emergency beacon are 38.83227 N, 72.860240 E
Please post to social media or share with anyone who may be in the Tajikistan region.