By 2014 the main south road might be all paved but that should not be an issue as there will still be many tracks still active going everywhere.
All roads lead to the next town and all roads go to Ulan Batar in the end.
Border crossings on the Mongolian side is painless, we entered from China which was a pain to exit from, China issue not Mongolian
I would plan on finishing your trip here around now at the latest, we had snow last week although it has fined up again now with zero overnight and 20C during the day for the most part, but it did rain overnight
The people are friendly and helpful, but in UB on the buses and in the Black Market areas, watch out for pick pockets
As for air transport, we are just now getting our bikes shipped out to Thailand, this chap has started a new company early this year, but he worked for a different shipper prior to branching out for himself.
His rates are the cheapest and he speaks English, a bonus here
I cannot give a full thumbs up until I arrive to pick up my bike, but from what I can hear from others who are using him, they are a bit underdone on the smoothness of the crating and how things should proceed, but the job is getting done. As a new company, I expect hiccups, but by the time my bike gets processed later this week, they will have done another 5 bikes, so the practice should help me
Hope that helps m8
Cheers from Ulan Batar
Originally Posted by Ian Robinson
I am looking at travelling to mongolia in 2014 and would like any advice on routes,time of year to go ,border crossings safety etc
We would also like to tranasport the bikes back from ulaanbaatar, maybe fly them home ,does any body have info on this idea,costs etc.
Any help would be most appreciated