Need advice finishing my trip plans.
I'm leaving in a month and a half from Madrid to Mongolia and have a few doubts. Trying to avoid polluting the forum creating a thread for each so I group them in his one.
Camping or not camping. I'm not sure about carrying a tent with me.
I'm not particularly a hardcore camper but I enjoy camping when the site is interesting and let me enjoy the nature in a way that is not possible staying in a hotel. Otherwise I rather pay for a hotel and get a hot shower and a meal.
Is Northern Asia a place with beautiful camping opportunities?
I'm planning to staying in Yurts if I have the chance.
Turkmenistan. Yes or Not.
I have two options to get from Turkey to Uzbekistan.
I'm leaning towards the first one to avoid the ferry, the Turkmenistan visa and traveling fees implications.
It's true that the ferry is slow and unreliable?
It's riding a few days with a transit visa in Turkmenistan interesting?
I was reading in Caravanistan about a lot of fees just to get through. I wouldn't mind paying them if the ride is worth it.
Where is te best place to get a fresh set of motorcycle tires Before I hit the Pamir Highway (Eastbound)
Many thanks for your help.
Last edited by Martincito; 24 Feb 2019 at 01:36.