Ride from seoul to london via japan and the trans siberian highway
Hi, im wanting to take on a huge solo ride in 2017 or 2018 from south korea to england although im a little lost on where to start...
the plan in my head is to fly to seoul, buy a decent 400-600cc bike thats not going to break the bank but is fit for the task ahead, i would like to ride around korea before taking a ferry to japan and doing the same, then onto vladivostok russia and ride the trans siberian highway to moscow, onto st petersburg before continuing through europe to london.
as for a budget excluding touristic entry fees and what not, anyone who has done anything similar can shed some light on a realistic budget for such a ride? i primarily travel as a backpacker usually.
i visited asia for the first time earlier this year, took on some motorbike loops in laos totalling about 700km and then bought a cheap old 125cc bike in vietnam and rode 2000km solo through the country which was an incredible experience and prior to this trip i had no bike experience, but i always push myself to go further and the thought of riding the length of russia from asia back home is something i need to do
thanks for the help