We, that is Katrina and I, Graeme, are starting out on an extended RTW journey in about 5 months. Departing from our home, in Australia, making our way up to Darwin, across to Timor Leste, through SEA and then potentially through China. Entering from Laos and exiting China and into the "Stans". Probably Kazakhstan.
Having read all the usuall resources, paticularly here on HUB and ADV, the most practical way, is with a guide. Something I NEVER envisaged doing, as we are very experienced and independant travellers. But having read the following very enjoyable blog
March | 2015 | BikesnBeers and contacted these people
China Motorcycle Tours,Rentals and self drive tours-Ride China I'm becoming comfortable with the idea.
The cost is fixed, regardless of the number of people in the group and it would seem that an ideal number would be about 6. From our perspective, the costs don't seem to be much greater, than our other alternative plan, when all considerations are accounted for. That is, fly ourselves and bike out of Bangkok and into Japan, a few months there and across to Vladivostok, then westward-ho.
So, putting it out there, are there any other prospective travellers contemplating the above?
In a brief, we are each 55 years old. Have travelled extensively and always independantly. Including, 84 in Nth America on an 81 HD Low Rider. This time we will be on a 2016 Honda Africa Twin. Expected date to enter China would be ideally about mid March to mid April 2017, for about a 30 day crossing of China.
The cost per person quoted to me is $3125 US ( 6 people ) + hotels, food, petrol. More details can be given if genuinely interested.
If we choose this route, ideally we need to bed the plan down prior to our departure, around mid to late August.