Portable storage for digital photos: problem with older XS-Drive 2XL
I have a Xs Drive 2 XLVP2260, 40GB portable drive, bought in 2006.
Here is a link showing how it looks for ID purposes:
X'S-Drive 2 XL VP2260 Digital Storage Device
The drive appeared to have a problem. It registered 12gb of used space (as expected) but I was not able to find any files in its folders, nor where the data was stored: all folders did not show any memory use.
I formatted the drive: it can now receive files from the PC, but will not copy my SD card, nor even recognise it. In fact the blue LCD screen only shows 01 and image of a disc drive with an "X" on it, and HDD icon. I fear I have cocked up the OS.
Please can anyone advise how I can reconfigure my drive to function as designed?
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