Rolled in to town spilling oil like Sean Connerys DB5 in Goldfinger, rear wheel grinding like a banshee, and shaking like a Hula dancer. There was a big dent in the rear rim thanks to a Costa Rican pothole, and Suzuki couldn't take the job so they sent me over Turin. This shop specializes in truing car rims.
After the rear wheel came off, we saw that both bearings were shot, the right one reduced to 1 little ball and a pile of dust. $30 USD for labor to scrape out the bearing case which had fused to the hub, and install the replacements. $3.60 each at the parts shop for the bearings. You read that right. $3.60. Each. Suzuki charges $40 a piece in the states. Seems these are just standard bearings compatible with something off a car.
I was so grateful, I could have kissed the guy. Went to 4 shops and 6+ parts stores and was freaking out about not being able to get the rear fixed, and getting stranded somewhere in Central America.
Brought the bike back the next day to get the oil pan welded. Had a crack since the Mexican Topes that I patched with JB Weld, but another speedbump just outside of Panama City opened it up again. It was a big messy job, exhaust header had to come off first, and the oil pan was a mess. $50 and 2 hours later, the bike was reassembled and waiting for me.
Had to pay another $25 for the welding job, which is steep for down here. They showed me pictures, and it was a 6 inch crack.
Would strongly recommend Eddie at Turin. He's about 5'8, a little stocky, late 20's. Totally satisfied with the work.

Servicios Turin
Via Fernandez de Cordoba
Calle 7ma, frente a Parabrisas y Carrocerias
Telephone 261-4556
Cell 6065-0860
The place may be a little tricky to find, it's off Trasisimica highway, AKA Simon Bolivar Blvd., just across the street from the Raenco. That's a general retail store like a Sears, but without the clothes, tools or makeup.
Additionally, Avenida Doimingo Diaz, the street just up from Turin (away from Transisimica highway AKA Simon Bolivar Blvd.) is THE place to go for parts, easy and hard to find. There are at least 4 industrial supply shops on this street specializing sprockets and roller chains. Yup, Specializing in this! I needed 1 roller bearing for the chain (called a Rodillo en espanol), and while they had 'em in any flavors and styles that will suit you, nobody had a 530, which is what I needed. HOWEVER, shop Dimar SA sold me a 192 link 530 roller chain for $15.45. Yeah. $15.45. No, it doesn't have any of those new fanglese O rings or X rings or any of that crap, BUT, One Tenth the cost, Hell Yeah! Free trade countries, gotta love 'em.
Dimar SA
Edificio La Balinera
Panama City, Panama, Panama
(0)229 1444
Google Maps is showing it on the corner of San Martin and San Miguel, just off Avenida Doimingo Diaz.