Bolivia, La Paz to Sucre via the Road 6, do it!
Hi guys,
it's my first post here. I have been traveling from Colombia on my KLR 650 towards Patagonia for the last 4 months. You can check out my Facebook page here
While in La Paz, I looked about the way to go to Sucre without going through Potosi since I anyway wanted to go to Potosi and then Uyuni later.
I read and heard bad stories about the Road 6 leaving just after Oruro and going through Uncia, Macha, Ocuri etc.. So I was hesitant. But I am glad i followed my guts and lust for adventure to still give it a try... Bottom line is, yes you have at least 250/300 km of dirt road but it's really feasible on most bikes and the landscape is amazing.
Please note that I did it in early May, in perfectly weather conditions, cold at night but pretty warm during the day, tons of dust but for that not mud at all. I can only imagine how bad it can get in a rainy day since this dirt is only waiting to turn into a muddy hell...
So I left La Paz pretty late, 1 pm. Made my way to Oruro then took the left to Huanuni. Since it was already 5.30 pm ish I decided to find a spot in the mountain to spend the night in my tent. Amazing night sky, but pretty cold... still worth it though. In the morning I went on to Uncia which I reached within an hour or so. Until then the whole road was only asphalt!!! Could tank in Uncia (pleasantly at a local price with no gringo surcharge). Then the dirt road started. The first 100 km you are crossing pretty steep mountains but since they are preparing the path to eventually build a real road, it was a very smooth ride with wide and flat coverage. I did not encounter any road blocks for construction or anything like that. Then you join a somewhat more classic dirt road but still really easy and nice. There is no big River crossing! Only a few times you cross like 1 meter or 2, easy stuff (but again I did in a dry moment, no idea in the rainy season). Then, you keep going until Ravelo. From Uncia until Ravelo, I only saw once a little tienda selling Gas, but I am sure you can find more since you are crossing at least 10 villages. Then from Ravelo you have like 20 Kms of asphalt which then turns back into dirt with a road block (had to wait until 6pm to cross) since they are building the road. But in a matter of months it should be done. The dirt keeps going for 10/15 kms, then you finish for another 15/20 km on asphalt. I eventually reached Sucre at 7.30 pm or so. Filthy looking covered with dust but Happy camper... I don't regret it at all and encourage you to do it too...