hi there, I am 44 years old Malaysian male rider. I wonder if you are interested to travel with me in Peninsula Malaysia. Followings are my style of travelling. I am travelling with a mix bread dog name, Paapi. My mode of transport is midium range cub 110cc, Modenas Kristar 2004.
I only take old street or kampung roads to travel from place to place, I mostly avoid cites, so my riding speed is typically between 30kmh and 50kmh. Dailly travelling range us about 80km to 120km. I travel follow a directions but have no plan for any particular destinations in general, so if you have a destination or wanted to see something, I can bring you there.
I sleep in a tent and most of time in a jungle "Hutan Lipur", other times nice under the hut camping site and sometimes in a cemetary, but never in a paid accommodation.
For food wise, I cook my own food, buy raw foods over the market and cook. Paapi eats chicken almost everyday, quater cooked chicken. I carry my own cooking sets with me because I don't eat from food stalls.
So, if your travelling lifestyle matches mine, let me know, may be we can travel together. I can show you the real beauty of Malaysia.
Best Regards,
Paapi The Travelling Dog.
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