Hello Desert Hiker,
only those, who visited the desert usually understand, why we take the exertions of a desert hike.
Days of heat, physical exertion, lack of hygiene, sand and dust.
Every time I come back from the desert, I am inundated with questions about why I do this.
Who never has experienced that silence and solitude, the incredible satisfaction that befalls one, it can be hard to understand.
Siwa: Desert Hiking in the Heat of the Great Sandsea
With the first call of the muezzin, trying to drown down the barking of the straying dogs and the crowing of the chicken, I am on my way to the south, heading to the Great Sandsea. 21 liter of water, dates and only the essentials you need in the desert are stowed in my backpack. I leave behind all unnecessary, physical and mental burdens.
At the end of the oasis I become aware, how Siwa has changed since my last visit. On the left an right new houses and apartments. A path of approximately one kilometer was burrowed into the sand.
Property mainly purchased by Europeans, preparing their retirement or holiday domicile.
Actually I expected to be the first being in the desert on this beautiful morning. But there are Siwi residence, looking for a silent place for the first morning pray.
The first 8 - 10 kilometers are the most exhausting. The heavy burden on my back, the continuing elevating terrain and the soft sand are demanding every one and now for a break and a sib of the still cold water.
Every shady spot is welcome to have a short break. There is not a lot of shadow in the desert, especially when you need it.
Close to high noon, my trips become shorter and shorter and the breaks more extensive. It seems that this year the temperature is exceptional high. What I would give now for a cool shade.
Approximately 2 kilometers further I discover some rocks. Shadow! 8)
The thermometer reveals, why I am feeling so weak. 51 degree Celsius are drying out my body. In the shadow still 37 degree.
I move as deep as possible between the rocks, where the temperatures are comfortable. Believe it or not. After a few minutes I found myself in the dreamland and woke up in the early afternoon.

How can fauna and flora manage to survive in the desert at these temperatures?
Walking on the beach? You can find million years old fossils partially in excellent conditions as you can find them usually on an exotic sand beach.
Like a flower does this white sea urchin skeleton look like
to be continued