Im planning a trip this summer/autumn. From Sweden to Mongolia and would really appreciate any advice from you guys.
As soon as I get visas and my license (yes, complete beginner) I will leave. I am aware of how inexperienced I am and I realize my trip might end in Berlin. Aim for the stars...
Very rough route I have in mind (see photo below): Sweden > Turkey > Kaz > Taj > Mongolia. Will ride 2-up with my girlfriend until around Turkey, then solo or if Im lucky and find a riding partner. After Irkutsk (not on map) take the train to Moscow and then ride home.
I hope to start mid July
I have to be in Australia around mid October to mid November
Back to work latest mid January
So Im thinking,
Option A: Ride to Ulaanbaatar and fly to Australia mid October and return November to finish trip in December (winter is cold, hopefully not impossible).
Option B: Twist the throttle and do the whole trip (incl train to Moscow etc) before mid October. Would give me time to spend in summer of Australia instead of Russian winter
Any input on the options would be much appreciated. The part on google maps below is 14 600 km. Lets say 20 000 actual distance with some margin. 200 km/day = 100 days, which would suggest Option A (3 months to Ulaanbaatar) would be reasonable. If I could do option A and still enjoy it I would much prefer that.
I have driven 500+500km in two days (good roads and shower + warm bed in the end) so I have some vague idea about the pain in the back etc, but hard to predict doing it every day and with some bad roads. Im thinking 200km/day leaves room for breakdowns, borders and not spending all time awake on the bike, even with bad roads. But if I have to I will twist the throttle, shed a tear and experience my body moving from pain to relief, back to pain etc. I have some experience of that from non-riding related "adventures" and think I can manage if my bike can.
Is my reasoning sound or should I increase/decrease expected distance of 200 km per day?
Also, in terms of
spare parts for my bike (Yamaha ttr 600 2001, currently 28 000 km):
- Starting with "ok" chain and sprockets
- Bringing 1 new rear sprocket, 2 new front sprockets and 1 new chain (DID X-ring)
- New Heidenau Scouts from start. Maybe bring rear tire. Not sure if one tire will last the 20 000 km.
- Tire repair kit (tubetype)
- Not sure about extra brake and clutch lever
- One extra oil filter (will change oil and filter before I start)
- I have read about people changing bearings etc.. should I really have to expect that? Will be so much weight and things to buy. But I understand better to buy before than to be in the field without it.
- Would I be stupid not to service the bike at a mechanic before the trip? Maybe do it before leaving Europe?
Any input/suggestions/advise would be very much appreciated and quite possibly save my trip from ending in Berlin

As you can tell I am really new to this and doing my best to read up on how to, change tires, sprockets, install gps-charger to a kick-start bike etc. I already changed to 20L tank, got some soft luggage etc.
Thanks and please wish me/us good luck