Looking for general advice about a travel decision.
Im buying a bike in SE Asia and heading west. I have to ship at one point and was considering SKIPPING Nepal and India and shipping the bike from Bangkok to The Stans (Either Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan) directly for the following reasons:
1) Ive already spent some time backpacking in Nepal and India. Although I LOVED it and want to go back, I feel it can wait.
2)NO CARNET NECESSARY! Major headache and COST reducer (1-2k)
3)No Indian or Pakistani visa necessary (Some $$$ savings but also stress saving)
4)No complications getting to Tajikistan via either China (1-2k cost), or Afghanistan (dangerish as an American)
5)No crazy Indian or Nepali traffic (Im new to riding, but not adventure ;-))
6) More time to really get to so some new places in the world. I'll have months to explore Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Georgia, places that are highlights for me as I've never been to any place like them.
Firstly, general thoughts on excising two of the worlds most amazing countries from my itinerary for $$ saving and time extending? (Note: I've been traveling for years, so the initial intrigue has changed. In general, I'm not particular about places. I like the process and the revelations travel yields. Therefore, the fact that India is indeed amazing does not mean I have much desire to see India in particular).
Second, is it possible to ship from Bangkok to Tajikistan?
Thanks for your insights awesome people,