Maun (Botswana) to Zambia
Hi all, to go from Maun to Kasane/Kazungula border post do we have to go east to Nata then north to Kasane or there is any other and shorter road?
I have read on HUBB that is possible to drive motorbikes on the Chobe transit road (tarred) from Ngoma to Kasane, but how to reach Ngoma?
Is it possible to drive the direct road from Maun? It seems to cross Chobe NP also from Kudumane (Mababe) to Kachekabwe (Kachikau), but is it open to motorbikes?
Are these hard road to drive?
Thanks a lot!
Last edited by CaptainJackSparrow; 8 Dec 2007 at 19:05.