Tea in Istanbul!
Hi All!
I have been a member of the forum for a while now but this is my first post, so here goes:-)
Myself (I´m English) and two of my Danish freinds are busy planning a trip from Denmark to Istanbul. We´re leaving on the 31st March 2015 and returning on the 14th April, that gives us 15 days.
Our route will be taking us from Denmark through Germany over Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovania, Austria and then back through Germany to Denmark.
I'm on my Tiger 800xc and they're on their GS1200's.
We are planning on an average of approx 500kms a day. Some days a little more and some days a lot less. Most of the roughly 7000kms will be on tarmac but we will also be covering some gravel and offroad riding aswell. The first day on the way out of Denmark and the last day on the way back home will be high kilometer days so that we can cut the average per day down on the remaining 12 or 13 days that we have left. The majority of the time we plan to wild camp but some nights I expect we'll be lured by the luxury of b&b
If anyone has any helpful hints as regards border crossings, weather problems we can expect, visa problems, places to stay, must visit destinations etc....I / we would really appreciate it.
Thanks for reading :-)