Timing of RTW trip.
Opinions please on an early April start date for a, sadly, work commitment restricted three month RTW trip. I plan to reach Pakistan and in particular the Karakoram Highway, via Turkey and Iran, by early May by which time I’m hoping the worst of the winter will be over. A long held ambition is to ride the KKH, to Gilgit, maybe a tad further. I’ve read that some of the hotels in this area don’t re-open from their winter sleep until mid May time.
Then air freight from India, probably Delhi, to Australia for three weeks or so then air freight to Vancouver/San Francisco/Los Angeles for the overland ride to New Jersey.
I know three months is nowhere near long enough for such a trip but I’m thinking it’s better than not going at all.
What do you think? All advice will be much appreciated.
Thanks very much.