world tour need help
hello dear
my name is atif i need some information about motorbike world tour i have plan about 200,000/-Km around 29 countries
like a Pakistan,China,Russia,Azerbaijan,Iran,Iraq,Saudi Arabia, Jordan,Syria, Turkey,Greece, Albania,Macedonia (Fyrom),Bulgaria, Serbia (Kosovo),Romania, Moldova, Ukraine,Belarus, Lithuania,Poland,Slovakia,Hungary, Austral,Italy, Algeria,Spain, France,United Kingdom.
I am trying to find information from long time by self and by government sector but i am confuse like a which kind of documents i need which kind of visa i need how i get permeation for it or etc.... if you have any idea plz let me now about it, and i need to now which motorbike is best and and cheep coz i have no much funds for it coz i have no sponsor or any help for it
If you are able plz help me thx
E-mail: worldondoor (at)
Lahore, Pakistan