Vietnam plans
I am using the Covid19 lock down time to dream....
Of some trip in the future. If/when thing change
About a trip to/in Vietnam.
Driving from Ho Chi Min City to Hanoi.
And spend quite some time driving north of Hanoi,.
In the Mountains close to China and Laos.
Starting idea is to use one month from start in HCMC to end in Hanoi.
With at least one week north of Hanoi.
But ideas and plans will change.....
But I need something to dream of in this lock own state
The questions is about the south most area of Vietnam
Starting from HCMC towards Hanoi.
Is it worth to make a trip to the south first.
How about the area south of HCMC ?
Anybody that has been driving around there ?
Is it worth to spend a week there, before heading north ?
Is there any useful travel story from that area ?