There is only one possible way now and that is through China. Then you will end up in Kyrgizstan or Khasakstan. Not bad places to travel through. But for the China leg you will need a guide and several kind of permits. This used to be quite expensive and quite a hazzle - but it was doable. Team up with other travellers to get the price down of course. I did this the other way in 2014 so I know a bit about it. It seems from what I hear that the prices of guides/permits actually have gone down a bit now after Covid, but you will of course need to get a quote from a travel agency/guides in China.
Or - you could also ship the bike to India/Nepal. From all that I hear Kuala Lumpur to Katmandu in Nepal seems the best and easiest way. India bureucrasy is known for its very very slow way of working…
Travelling that way also requires a Carnet for your bike - of which there are no automobil organisation in Thailand that can issue. Malaysia might be a place to get a Carnet. I know a couple of thai plated bikes that have travelled overland and thus got Carnet for their bikes, thus its possible. I just dont know where those guys got their Carnets from…
Ferries? From Thailand to where? Never heard of one. There isnt even a vehicle ferry between Malaysia and Indonesia and not a vehicle ferry between India and Sti Lanka - so what do you expect….?
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....
Last edited by Snakeboy; 8 Jul 2023 at 22:53.