All over the continent you can find hosts with SERVAS
If you like to stay with local people and get some deep insides to the peoples life during your travelling, you could try to find hosts with SERVAS (
There are hosts in big cities or in small villages in almost every country in the world.
For two nights the hosts give you a free accomodation and you can spend time with them. In case you have a good understanding with your hosts and they invite you, you can stay longer. On our travelling so far through Kanada, USA and Mexico we made very good experiences and met lovely people. They took us tot rips on their sailboot, let us ride their horses, made tours with us, included us into their family life and gave us a lot of tips and hints for our further travelling. Have a look, it is worth it for long or even short time travelling.
SERVAS is an international peace and non-profit organisation.