Best time of year Peru to the USA
Want to airfreight my VStrom from the Seattle area to Lima, then ride back to the USA. Looking for the best time of year, but really don't want to ride thru C.A. and Mexico anytime starting in April due to the heat and humidity, but if it's necessary not to get rained out south of the Darian I guess I'd have to do it.
What would be the best time weather wise to start in Peru then head north. I can handle cold no problem, but not snow obviously. Really want to minimize rainy or hurricane seasons.
Have done plenty of weather research but there are so many different weather climates, even in individual countries it's hard to know.
Plan Peru, maybe Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, air freight across the Darian, then back.
2022 Yamaha T700. Vamos a viajar en America Latina!
30,000+ miles in Latin America by moto and counting.