Last time I checked my passport it confirmed I am in Colombia since mar.7 2020
a fair sized country with a million km of roads open all year round except for the nasty landslides that may require a detour
As far as being in South America I can confirm because I have been to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans this is the only country in SA that has this luxury
Our neighbours in Venezuela doesn't classify as a Country they don't have a government that is legit and they are not a part of South America
You can enter the country by air but you cannot get in by roads So park your dreams on visiting Vez on your bike or any other country right now
As far as drum brakes go they suck and so do 250s the Nx 400 falcon is the right bike down here if you can find one
I have done 12 thousand meters altitude gain in 1180 km in 18 hrs on my f700 in 18 hrs of hard riding and I did it with a group of local riders for shits and giggles
in all kinds of weather
When we got back to our main base we partied for another 8 hrs, Colombia is Awesome , a country that has class Every day is a adventure no place id rather be