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Old 8 Dec 2013
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Honda or BMW in South America?

Hey guys,
I need help. What you buy?

Honda Transalp (2008) 37000km 650ccm

BMW f650 dakar (2007) 47000km

Have someone experience for witch brand it is more easy to find pars and cheaper parts.
Normally I would say Honda but I am in the moment in Santiago and 50% of the bikes are BMW. How is it in other parts of South America?
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Old 8 Dec 2013
*Touring Ted*'s Avatar
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The Dakar is the lightweight model choice out of those two..

Mostly because it sheds weight as it falls apart...
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Old 8 Dec 2013
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Definitely go with the Honda. Sure there are BMW's in Santiago, BsAs, Sao Paulo. But there are certainly little to no BMWs anywhere else. Kawasaki KLR 650 should be your first choice, then a Yamaha, then a Honda, then a Suzuki.

You will be repairing your bike for sure, at least get one that:
1) can get parts in most any decent sized town
2) does not require specialized tools to work on
3) does not require a specialized mechanic
4) when you do find parts, they are not more expensive than a new bike
All four of those eliminate BMW.
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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out of this two models: get the Honda

first choice for SA (as gunt86 put it correctly) is the KLR650 or the DR650.

saludos desde Bolivia
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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Are you Chilean? I'm surprised to hear that "half the bikes in Chile are BMW".
I did not realize there were so many rich folks!
I see many small Chinese, Indian or Japanese import bikes. About 80% small bikes 400cc or less. Only BMW's I ever saw in Chile were ridden by RTW travelers. Has something changed?

My guess is that in Chile you will pay a premium price for either BMW or Honda. I'm guessing you may be able to buy a NEW Chinese 250 for price of the Dakar or Transalp?

I would try to buy a used bike from a foreign traveler, make it legally yours and do your ride. As mentioned, many many KLR's and DR650's end up there for sale.

By the way ... what is your ride plan? The type of ride you want to do really dictates what bike you should buy, no?

The Transalp in general is a very good bike. But Used ones in Chile are usually beaten down into junk. Use you best judgement. No bike lasts forever.
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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my experience

All bikes need service on a long trip. In my opinion, buy the best engineered motorcycle that you can afford and you may reduce the number of visits for service. I am happy with my choice and was spared the need for major work at any point. Not sure if you can find an impartial source of mechanical failure rates for these motorcycles.

I rode Central and South America with a relatively new F800GS. Left New Jersey with 3200 miles on the odometer, came home 32,500 miles later. Around the 20,0000 mile mark the front chain sprocket sprocket chipped a tooth (replaced both sprockets in Sao Paulo, with a new chain.) The oil heat exchange box caught a rock and needed to be replaced due to slow drip (replaced in Buenos Aires.) In southern Bolivia the chain separated, perhaps due to poor attention on my part (fixed with the most basic tools imaginable.) A Honda dealer in Cusco, Peru, replaced the rear wheel bearings with a generic set.

I purchased a lamp bulb, sprockets, chain and oil heat exchange at BMW, and yes they were expensive in South America. If I was more experienced I could have purchased and gotten the sprocket work done anywhere. The oil heat exchange box was replaced by a private mechanic. Any imported parts get hit with high import duties, and I bought them in perhaps the two countries with the highest tariffs. I'll carry my own replacements sprockets and chain on future adventures. Think about buying a sprocket set, chain (plus a chain tool) and extra inter tubes. I took several oil filters with me and was resupplied several times, and bought one in Bra$il. Generic brake pads and two rear tires were not purchased from BMW.

A guy I rode with in Venezuela had a hard time getting a replacement vender for his Kawasaki as we went from shop to shop in Caracas. Another guy I know needed to had parts flown in from Japan to Cusco for his Suzuki. I think you will see more Honda dealers. Does the Trans Alp automatically adjust for high altitude? The two rider I mentioned had ls of issues with their carburetor needles...something I didn't have to worry about.

There are one or more BMW dealer in every country in South America, except the Guyanas. That said, the dealer in Caracas didn't have the oil filter I needed, but there are a lot of problems with inventory in Venezuela...and a lot of other countries in South America (I'm talking about more than just moto parts.)

You might want to look at this comparison: BMW F 650 GS vs. Honda Transalp vs. Kawasaki Versys vs. Suzuki V-Strom DL 650 It looks like the BMW gets significantly better mileage, is more powerful, has higher clearance...and takes slightly longer to stop.
Peter B
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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There are many more Honda dealers in South America than any other major brand. I would look hard at the Honda 400 Falcon, made in Brazil so relatively cheap and parts and service available everywhere.

Of the two you list, I would still go with the Honda, because as a former BMW owner, I have not found them to be any more reliable than a Japanese bike, and much more expensive to buy and maintain.
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by Peter Bodtke View Post
All bikes need service on a long trip. In my opinion, buy the best engineered motorcycle that you can afford and you may reduce the number of visits for service.
And the most important things on that service are;

Change the oil!
Check the valves
Clean/change the air filter.

If you do those 3 things you can put off the full service. Even put it off to the next next (yes 2) full service.

I'm not including the frequent service items - oil and adjust chain! Nor the ware items of tyres, brake pads, globes etc.

You can save a good deal of time by doing things yourself.
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* View Post
The Dakar is the lightweight model choice out of those two..

Mostly because it sheds weight as it falls apart...
Ted, you hit it right where it hurts!

As an owner of two Honda XR650Ls and two KLR650s, living in and riding them in South America....

I have had MANY BMW riders stopping by our place in central Peru, and even with new bikes, it is amazing the problems they have had. We tried to find a spark plug and a rear tire for an F800GS in a large city with 80,000 motorcycles.. Not a chance. The owner had to travel a day and back to Lima just to pay $21 for a simple NGK plug!

Honda XR650L or a DR650 are your best choices. The Transalp may be a Honda but it is almost unheard of in SA. Get yourself one of the above with 18" and 21" wheels and parts that are interchangeable with smaller models that are common throughout SA and is repairable on the side of the road with a screwdriver and a hammer!

The XRL is a gas hog, but it will run on the same jet from sea level to more than 14,000 ft. Don't think the DR can do that!
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by charapashanperu View Post
The XRL is a gas hog, but it will run on the same jet from sea level to more than 14,000 ft. Don't think the DR can do that!
As always... Simplicity is key.

A motorcycle trip should be fun. Not stressful. There's enough stress already without wondering if you can keep going with the bike you're on.

You mention the XRL being a gas hog ???? Are you running standard jetting ??

I've not experimented with MPG on mine yet but I heard reports of it getting 50 mpg + with sensible riding..

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Old 9 Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* View Post
As always... Simplicity is key.

A motorcycle trip should be fun. Not stressful. There's enough stress already without wondering if you can keep going with the bike you're on.

You mention the XRL being a gas hog ???? Are you running standard jetting ??

I've not experimented with MPG on mine yet but I heard reports of it getting 50 mpg + with sensible riding..

Well..... "Sensible" is a hard thing to nail down!

I run #152 with snorkel still in, but an open DG glass pack . Good for 0 to 12,000 but will do higher without much complaining.
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Old 9 Dec 2013
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Wow great,
so much good posts in so short time
thanks, you helped me a lot.
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Old 13 Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by charapashanperu View Post
I have had MANY BMW riders stopping by our place in central Peru, and even with new bikes, it is amazing the problems they have had. We tried to find a spark plug and a rear tire for an F800GS in a large city with 80,000 motorcycles.. Not a chance. The owner had to travel a day and back to Lima just to pay $21 for a simple NGK plug!
The above kind of says it all.

Originally Posted by charapashanperu View Post
Honda XR650L or a DR650 are your best choices. The Transalp may be a Honda but it is almost unheard of in SA. Get yourself one of the above with 18" and 21" wheels and parts that are interchangeable with smaller models that are common throughout SA and is repairable on the side of the road with a screwdriver and a hammer!

The XRL is a gas hog, but it will run on the same jet from sea level to more than 14,000 ft. Don't think the DR can do that!
The XR-L is a pretty tough bike in cool weather, not so great in super hot conditions. BTW, the DR650 uses a 17" rear, not 18". Sources tell me that it's now easier to locate a 120/17 than an 18 tire in most of Cent. & S. America. Dunno.

A stock DR650 with air box cover off and a fuel screw ... CAN go high. Fiddled ones have more trouble and need to be re-jetted. (like mine)
A Fuel screw (pilot screw) would help the XR-L as well I would think at high altitude.
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Old 16 Dec 2013
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Get a KLR...

I'm currently stranded in Lima awaiting parts for my R1150GS when the transmission input shafts bearing failed while I was several hundred miles from any BMW shop. I had considered doing the work myself with the help of a local shop in Ahycucho but wisely decided to ship it to lima instead. What a job it is to get to the transmission and clutch! Three weeks later and over $2,500 I'm still here waiting waiting on the parts to be shipped in from Germany.

Tires have also been a huge pain and not available anywhere except at a BMW shop which are weeks apart.... The next trip won't be on a GS
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Old 16 Dec 2013
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Honda v BMW for South America

Mr Steam Turbine, I am in Buenos Aires...let me know if I can help in any way.

Having assisted the Globebusters.com with the problem of procuring BMW parts needed as they toured South America, I am well aware of the cost and the unavailability of many BMW parts in South America, and the exorbitant South American import taxes levied on BMW parts.

We have two BMW G650GS in Spain, have toured to Turkey and back and have been more than pleased with performance and service. We availed ourselves of 3 "free" nights in Istanbul while starter and head gasket problems were resolved at no cost to us. BMW is a great bike for Europe, into Asia and maybe Africa - check with Chris Scott for all things African. And, the BMW warranty is impossible to beat.

Honda has manufactured the Honda TransAlp for crossing the Alps and manufactured the Honda Falcon NX400 for crossing the Andies. No ABS needed on South American ripio, trocha, etc., but no free hotels.

Today, there is a new Honda XRE300 marketed for overland and local travel in South America. After more than 50,000 K each on our 2 Honda Falcons NX400 rosa del desierto and I are seriously considering "downgrading" to the new Honda XRE300s - an amazing motorcycle for South America and it is very, very inexpensive when compared to a BMW.

Why? Why not?

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