Mechanic in Azogues, Ecuador
Ay up guys and gals,
A recommended mechanic in Azogues, Ecuador. 20ish km north of Cuenca on Ruta 35.
Juan. He does mostly trucks but has a long standing interest in dirt bikes and a fine collection including a CR250 and a DRZ400.
S 02 43'48.8" W 78 51'09.9"
So the story, I was broken down at the side of the road. I left the bike outside a workshop where they were spraypainting cars and said that they'd keep an eye on my stuff and I walked into town until I could find a taxi and went around all the moto mechanics in town. Nobody would have anything to do with me at all. I was starting to make arrangements to truck the bike to Quito when a random passer by saw my bike, came for a chat and offered to tow me to a mechanic. This turned out to be Juan.
Turns out, due to a long string of events, I'd managed to shear all the splines off my drive axle. Juan machined a spacer, fitted a new sprocket with a boat load of Loctite and claimed it would get me to Quito where I have an "appointment" with a mechanic anyway.
He refused to take any money for the job, kept the bike and my luggage overnight at his house and went out of his way to negotiate a favourable rate at a local hotel.
Great guy, well into the bikes and loves hearing stories about bike travel. If you're in the area and need a bit of machining done, give Juan a shout.
Please say "Hi" from me.