Policia National Colombia
I was asking a Colombian biker friend of mind what about taking the bike home after to many wable pops he advised don't do it there are businesses with trucks or legit drivers that will drive your bike and you on the back to get home or your hotel in larger cities.
so here i am in Popayan at a bar with way too much pop in my system and asked the owner of the bar if he knew a driver or truck to get my bike back to the apartment safely he said sure I will call
so about ten minutes later 2 cops show up on Suzuki Vstrom and i said to the bar owner is this a joke! and he replied no this how we get our patrons home with there bike safely. Wow lets go, one cop jumped on my f700 and i got on the back and away we went, Home Delivery I thanked the cops gave them a tip 20000 peso about 8 bucks Can. and away they went on the Vstrom
Hows that for Colombian Hospitality
Every day i see acts of kindness in this wonderful country