Warning: Vulcano erruption in Chaitén, Chile
To all those who are currently or those who soon want to ride the Carretera Austral in Chile...
I am currently in Coyhaique, about in the middle of the Carretera Austral. This morning I learned that the vulcano in Chaitén blew up his top yesterday and the whole region aroiund Chaitén is evacuated! There is no way to pass there. I wanted to pass there mayself in two days... So I concider myself lucky to be still here in Coyhaique...!
The only way (from the south) to get to the island Chiloé (to Quellón) is to take the ferry in Puerto Chacabuco (or in reverse). That's close to Aisén, about 68 km from Coyhaique. The ferry leaves every wednesday at 22pm. A seat cost 36300 Pesos (62 us$), a cabin with bed 38300 Pesos (65 us$). A motorbike costs 23'300 Pesos (40 us$). Reservation very recommended, because EVERYBODY had to go that way - and it's the chilenian vacation time right now...! The ferry needs 23 hours.
I am Thierry from Switzerland, currently on my around-the-world-tour on a BMW 650 Dakar. Some of you I met already on the road, others I'm happy to meet later on. I am on the road now since 6th january 2008 and did so far Mexico-City to Ushuaia and now heading north through Chile, northwest of Argentinia (Salta), Bolivia and Southperu until Lima, where I will take the plane back to Europe to continue towards Asia...
I hope that I could warn some of you before beeing stucked.
Have a safe ride and enjoy!
Thierry on Road - Home
Last edited by Thierry; 21 Feb 2009 at 00:01.