and just a week later...
it arrived- have a look
Lovely card with Union Jack and caduceus in the hologram.
Issued by NHSBSA website
Valid 5 years from date of issue
The letter which comes with it says:
'Your UK GHIC entitles you to free or reduced cost state-provided healthcare where treatment becomes necessary during a temporary visit to the E.U. You may also be covered for necessary healthcare in some non-EU countries. Check the GOV.UK foreign travel advice for the country you're planning to visit.
Your card gives you access to treatment at the same cost as residents of the country you are visiting. In some countries, state healthcare is not completely free to residents and you may have to pay a contribution towards the cost of your treatment. You will not be able to claim the money back for this contribution.'
Last edited by Toyark; 10 Nov 2021 at 11:31.