Djibouti Visa info
For those of you like me who wanted to go to Djibouti but needed a visa in Addis this might be helpful:
- Although the Djibouti visas have a start and expiry date computer typed into them, this is actually the last day you have to enter the country, from where your 30 or 90 days will then start. It is not the day that you have to leave Djibouti, just the last day you can enter.
Many people in Addis thought that by the time you got the visa, travelled through eastern Ethiopia and in my case Somaliland, it wouldn't give you enough time to enjoy Djibouti.
I checked with the head of immigration and at the Somaliland border crossing and they both verified this. It doesn't seem clear and when you ask in English at the Addis embassy they don't give a clear answer etc.
If you ask really nicely you can camp at the Sheraton Hotel in the car park next to the ocean. Best to ask to see Yanick the Swiss manager who is very helpful, but be very respectful of his high profile clients in the hotel etc.