I am just in Nairobi and did the west coast earlier this year with my partner and we had EU passports. Here is some info of visas:
Nigeria, we got ours in Burkina Faso. very easy. Apply every Tuesday and Thursday. Needed just application and pictures. Cost 40,000cfa for one month visa. We also had to have a talk with the guy who gave the visas, he was traveler him self so no problem. Took one week to get it
DRC We got ours in Benin, was easy application. We needed to have a proof that we will return to home country. Our previous jobs wrote a letter that we will return to work 2016, you can make one too. Took 2 days
Angola This one was hard one. We got our two transit visas, for 10 days from Dolisie, Congo. Cost 200ush per visa. We went back to the consulate for 6 times.. on a seventh time it was ready. Pain.
We met this big overland truck on a road. Organized tour from England. They got basically all their visas in Ghana. Was fast and easy. Nigerian, DRC and Angola (150usd for 30 days). If we would have known that, would have done same.
Cameroon visa was easy in Calabar, Nigeria. Took 15mins to get one. Congo was easy too in Yaoundé, Cameroon.