Wee Strom strange vibrations...
Hey folks, got a problem with my '09 Wee Strom I wonder if any of ye can help, as my mechanic is busy and I don't have a clue. Sorry for my bad descriptions, but I'm not entirely sure what the parts are called.  Bear with me please. 
I came home from being away working for about 7 weeks, and I started up my wee-strom, when I turned the key there was a very strange noise, a vibration coming from under the tank. I started the engine and she turned over fine, sounds as healthy as ever, but the noise was still there (I couldn't hear it while the engine was running, but it hadn't gone away. The vibration starts as soon as I turn the key, even before the engine is running). I took off the tank and found the source of the vibration. With the tank off and the key turned in the engine the rattling went constantly.
Basically, where the two throttle cables come down to the engine, one of them, the one higher up, the valve it pulls there is rattling. I tightened the screw at this point with just my hand, and the constant rattling stopped, but it still goes off once you pull the throttle. The cable with the rattling at the end doesn't move at all, and I'm not sure if the throttle cable is snapped, or whether it's a problem with a sensor in their.
Anyone any idea what the issue is here at all? I don't know if this is something that just needs adjusting that I can do myself, or is it something needs replacing. Just I want to get the ball rolling on getting this repaired, I'm only off work for a little while and this is eating into my holiday time! 
Pints owed for any help...
I'm waiting for a short video of the problem to upload to YouTube, I'll post it here soon as it's up, it'll explain things better than I could...
We're here for a good time, not a long time...