I have a BMW F750GS which is on the boat from Zeebrugge to Cartagena, Colombia now where I'm waiting for it

I post a thread about choosing suspension (low or standard) before and I choose the standard. Not sure about the choise, because I'm 1,62 cm (5ft4), but I thought it would be nicer when riding.
I did 3 days of off road training and found out that off road riding is not really what I like most. I like to ride relaxed on the tarmac more (at least on a heavy bike), but off course I will ride off road sometimes.
Right before bringing my bike to the port in Zeebrugge I found out that my bike was lowered because of the luggage with a lot of cm. I had not expected my bike to be lowered by the luggage so much. It felt like 5 cm (almost 2 inches) or so (I don't know how much it was).
Actually I liked it to put my feet on the ground so well
I will travel for at least a couple of years and will stay in an airbnb or so for a couple of days, a week or month regularly. I will ride my bike without luggage then to see the surroundings.
I did a motorcycle maintenance course and read about suspension on the internet, but I'm totally not technical and in all sentences were are at least 3 words I don't know. So I hope someone can give me advice in a not so technical way.
That was a long introduction... I wonder if I can leave the suspension the way it is (I have a bash plate). When I bought the bike at a BMW dealer they said the suspension is right for me (without luggage). Is it dangerous or will the riding be very unpleasant when I have luggage and the suspension is lowered so much by the weight of the luggage (the weight of the luggage is another story

Do I have to adjust the suspension all the time when I change from luggage on the bike to riding without luggage? In the little book from BMW it was only stated how to adjust the suspension and not what the best level is.
If it is a good idea to change the suspension I plan to find a motorcycle garage here in Cartagena who can help me with that.
Thanks a lot in advance for your advice!