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BUT the basic rules of polite and civil conduct which everyone agreed to when signing up for the HUBB, will still apply, though moderation will be a LITTLE looser than elsewhere on the HUBB.
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Old 19 Jan 2022
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Advrider under new management

I am also a member of advrider where I keep an eye on trip planning often refering people to here, olds cool, shiny things for watches and bicycles and finally CS&M where I watch people abuse each other about politics.
It has recently been posted up that the site has been sold to a large company called VerticalScope who according to some flood their fora with adverts and use heavy handed moderation to get rid of anyone whose posts might upset their advertisers and there are many doom and gloom predictions about the future of the site given what has happened to others they have aquired.
If some or all of these predictions come to pass I wonder if there is an opportunity for the HUBB to expand its membership and pick up some of the people who might give up on advrider, it could mean expanding the site's remit beyond long distance motorcycle travel with more technical and other interest sections, watches and bicycles sounds good to me but what do others particularly Grant and Susan think?
You might want to pass on a church, state and money section though, it can be a little raucous.

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Old 19 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by mark manley View Post
I am also a member of advrider where I keep an eye on trip planning often refering people to here, olds cool, shiny things for watches and bicycles and finally CS&M where I watch people abuse each other about politics.
It has recently been posted up that the site has been sold to a large company called VerticalScope who according to some flood their fora with adverts and use heavy handed moderation to get rid of anyone whose posts might upset their advertisers and there are many doom and gloom predictions about the future of the site given what has happened to others they have aquired.
If some or all of these predictions come to pass I wonder if there is an opportunity for the HUBB to expand its membership and pick up some of the people who might give up on advrider, it could mean expanding the site's remit beyond long distance motorcycle travel with more technical and other interest sections, watches and bicycles sounds good to me but what do others particularly Grant and Susan think?
You might want to pass on a church, state and money section though, it can be a little raucous.

Grant should get ready for an influx as Vertical Scope are a nightmare.

They managed to kill off a really good forum pretty quickly as they did indeed flood the site with adverts, the mods were all changed from technical experts in the forum subject matter to muppets trying to be maintain that they knew the subject when that was far from the truth - not surprising really as they were responsible for multiple forums covering multiple subjects. Don't even think about criticising VS on that site as it will be scrubbed off in no time. The other joyful thing was that they claimed copyright for all of the images and information on the site so posters ended up deleting it off the website - again rendering the website less helpful. The old forum is still open - but you can watch the tumbleweed roll past. The latest post today is from 2 weeks ago - normally there were dozens of posts every day and on Friday it get really busy with hundreds going up especially if there was a "hot topic" - in a similar way to oil / tyres / bike choice can cause a wave of posts here.

The end result was that there was a new forum launched by the old mods, which kept the same character as the old one had. Oddly the new forum had a very quick launch and the member numbers grew incredibly fast.

Other than that Vertical Scope are great custodians of a forum.
You will have to do without pocket handkerchiefs, and a great many other things, before we reach our journey's end, Bilbo Baggins. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you. The world is ahead.
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Old 16 Feb 2022
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Could you post the url to the new forum please? I hadn't twigged it was new owners but noticed I keep getting emails from advrider, which never happened before. It was getting too big anyway.
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Old 16 Feb 2022
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No change to the url, same as always.
Grant Johnson
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Old 19 Feb 2022
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Originally Posted by Grant Johnson View Post
No change to the url, same as always.

Sorry, I wasn’t clear- I meant the alternative site that has been set up by advrider refugees

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Old 20 Feb 2022
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Originally Posted by berin View Post
Sorry, I wasn’t clear- I meant the alternative site that has been set up by advrider refugees

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Was that my reference to a new site? I was referring to my other experience of VS taking over a forum, not to Advrider (at least as yet as far as I know but these things can change quickly). I could be wrong (and frequently am).
You will have to do without pocket handkerchiefs, and a great many other things, before we reach our journey's end, Bilbo Baggins. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you. The world is ahead.
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Old 19 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by mark manley View Post
It has recently been posted up that the site has been sold to a large company called VerticalScope who according to some flood their fora with adverts and use heavy handed moderation to get rid of anyone whose posts might upset their advertisers and there are many doom and gloom predictions about the future of the site given what has happened to others they have aquired.
Don't knock it, it's the American dream Build something up to the point where you can sell it to an 'uncaring' (they might well be caring for all I know) faceless bureaucracy, count the mountain of money and move on. What happens to it after that isn't your problem. If they mess it up, well, at least the cheque cleared.

Like you I'm also a member but well towards the silent end of the spectrum. Somehow I've never felt comfortable there and I doubt I visit more than once every three months. As a source of travel information its been further down the pecking order than even Facebook. So you can probably guess I won't lose much sleep if it transforms into clickbait central.

My guess is that if it does become unusable to the point where it's obvious to most of the stalwarts that its gone downhill then someone will embrace the American entrepreneurial spirit and reinvent it. (Just seen Jay's post saying that's what's happened - great minds etc ). For me one set of log in details are much the same as another so going to the 'New ADV' wouldn't be a big issue, but I wonder how the new owners will react if their footfall contributors desert in droves. Not much point in having a screenful of adverts if no-one is looking at them.
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Old 19 Jan 2022
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The biggest problem came when people realised that by leaving their information on the forum that they were giving up copyright to the images / information etc to Vertical Scope. Then there was a stripping out of images etc by some very frequent posters - not so much that that killed the forum but it certainly wounded it. It continues to limp on but the footfall must be a shadow of what it was before. Now there seems to be more adverts than content which doesn’t help - previously there was a single banner advert at the top of the page and nothing further down but that became an advert every other post - and worse the adverts were unrelated to the content of the forum much of the time.
You will have to do without pocket handkerchiefs, and a great many other things, before we reach our journey's end, Bilbo Baggins. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you. The world is ahead.
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Old 20 Jan 2022
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Thanks for posting.

I haven't set foot on there since I realised I did not need the abusive US-centric idiocy a lot of it is/was.

I wonder how things stand imagine wise for stuff posted years before where the poster hasn't logged in for years? I doubt I have anything that valuable but I do detest zombie logins where they ignore requests to remove you.

Refugees from ADV rider will be welcome here as far as I'm concerned so long as they leave the Gunz, coolaid, KKK, soft porn etc. at the door

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Old 20 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by Jay_Benson View Post
.... Now there seems to be more adverts than content which doesn’t help - previously there was a single banner advert at the top of the page and nothing further down but that became an advert every other post - and worse the adverts were unrelated to the content of the forum much of the time.
Really? I have never seen any adverts there, even not today. OK, I am not an active member but sometimes I do some thread surfing there.

I am using Pi-hole as a network filter and I am using uBlock Origin, NoScript, I don`t care about cookies, Cookie AutoDelete, Privacy Badger (to name a few important..) as addons in my browser. This not only for the reason that I don`t want to see adverts or adstreams at youtube, etc.

If companies like VS want to sell me and my data through tracking and/or to bug me with adverts and to create an income of this, they can do but I don`t accept this behavior and I react my way.

And yes of course, there are some private driven forums/sites where I deactivate all this to give them a chance to earn a little return for their efforts!
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Old 20 Jan 2022
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I pop into ADVRider every once in a while to read some of the very interesting trip reports. Two or three years ago there was a terrific and lengthy report that really struck me - it was about a Spaniard who completed the Mongol Rally on a Honda 125 - it was an excellent read with stunning photos.

The rest of the forums I can't be bothered to read. It will be sad if the new owners ruin the site.
Bruce Clarke - 2020 Yamaha XV250
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Old 21 Jan 2022
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Noted, and definitely keeping an eye on it.
Re expanding the site's remit, I'm certainly open.

watches? no - who cares?
Church and state / Politics - that's a hard no!

As for more "mini-adventures" as we'd call them, i.e. shorter, maybe weekend or one or two week rides, absolutely - all of us do them anyway, and though we tend to focus on the big trips, there's no reason we can't discuss and do both, and well, here.

After all, we can't all do "the big one" every year - or decade, depending on how slowly you ride...

We ALWAYS welcome anyone here, so long as they're respectful and mind the rules of good behaviour.
All thoughts appreciated! We are OPEN to change.
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Old 22 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by brclarke View Post
Two or three years ago there was a terrific and lengthy report that really struck me - it was about a Spaniard who completed the Mongol Rally on a Honda 125 - it was an excellent read with stunning photos.
Many thanks for mentioning that. I looked it up and have just spent the whole of my Saturday evening (and more of a bottle of gin than I realised) reading all 27 pages of it. Absolutely fascinating and really well written. I was with him in a kind of "I could do that on my small bike' sort of way until he hit Tajikistan. Then it started getting tough. And that ride back through Russia ...

What comes across though is the generosity of strangers. Again and again he was helped out by people who put themselves out for no reward. I've been on the receiving end of that kind of generosity myself and have been so grateful for their help. Each time it happens you think it's a one off but from his report it comes across more as the default human response. We - the West - seem to be the oddballs.

A perfect example of what ADVRider is so good at
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Old 1 Feb 2022
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I use ADVrider quite alot as I have 5 build threads running at the moment. The adverts are of late and as stated here prolific and I have canned many a browse because of them.
It's the only other forum I use for motorcycle related chat and I have found myself flipping between both depending on topic. If its travel / overlanding related I come to HU. If its Dakar (2 weeks out of 52 per year) , responding to my threads/ general 'build' or fabrication Q's it's ADVR.
The only travel thread I use over there is the Canada Regional one because of my obsession with the TCAT and there's a dedicated thread there.
HU will for me though remain the font of wisdom and the pilot light for my main focus of TRAVEL. I also like a visit to the Pub here, less likely to get in a punch up/ bar brawl and get ones face stoved in...!!!

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Old 3 Feb 2022
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Originally Posted by MEZ View Post
I use ADVrider quite alot as I have 5 build threads running at the moment. The adverts are of late and as stated here prolific and I have canned many a browse because of them.
It's the only other forum I use for motorcycle related chat and I have found myself flipping between both depending on topic. If its travel / overlanding related I come to HU. If its Dakar (2 weeks out of 52 per year) , responding to my threads/ general 'build' or fabrication Q's it's ADVR.
The only travel thread I use over there is the Canada Regional one because of my obsession with the TCAT and there's a dedicated thread there.
HU will for me though remain the font of wisdom and the pilot light for my main focus of TRAVEL. I also like a visit to the Pub here, less likely to get in a punch up/ bar brawl and get ones face stoved in...!!!

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How about a build thread here too?
And do we need a TCAT thread here? hmmm...
Grant Johnson
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